Elmsbrook Gardening Group Events

We chose the hottest day in June for our Open Gardens event and the hottest day

in September for the Harvest Lunch!

Nevertheless a big crowd turned out to see each other’s gardens and exchange gardening ideas on Saturday 24 June, and a smaller number brought some produce or a dish of food to share for the September Lunch held at the Community House on 9 September. Locally grown produce included beans, courgettes, tomatoes, and lettuce. They had rhubarb from the Community House garden and a cordial with local mint. Andrea made a most delicious zucchini cake! It was a very good opportunity to meet together and chat, with both longstanding residents and wel- come “newcomers” from Phase 4.

We are looking forward to having more space when the Community Hub opens so we can showcase more of the growing and cooking skills of Elmsbrook Residents. Next year the event will be on Saturday 14 September 2024 – please put it in your diary!